Saturday, September 11, 2004
New York Post
New Yorkers, Forever
Seattle Times
At Ground Zero, an Epic Story Has No Ending
Washington Times:
McAuliffe denies involvement in memos flap
ABC News:
Lt. Col.'s widow calls wording in Bush memo "very suspect"
Washington Times:
Kerry turns up the heat on his campaign rhetoric
Washington Post:
Bob Shrum, Loss Leader
Bush Pledges to Defeat Global Terrorism
Read the Bush memos yourself
President, first lady observe anniversary of terror attacks
New Yorkers, Forever
Seattle Times
At Ground Zero, an Epic Story Has No Ending
Washington Times:
McAuliffe denies involvement in memos flap
ABC News:
Lt. Col.'s widow calls wording in Bush memo "very suspect"
Washington Times:
Kerry turns up the heat on his campaign rhetoric
Washington Post:
Bob Shrum, Loss Leader
Bush Pledges to Defeat Global Terrorism
Read the Bush memos yourself
President, first lady observe anniversary of terror attacks