Monday, December 31, 2007
Political Report
Do Dems Want a Divider? - Stuart Rothenberg
City Journal
A Blueprint for Homeland Security - Rudy Giuliani
nY Review of Books
The GOP & the Conservative Base - Michael Tomasky
The Politico
Hillary Now Dependent on Husband for Win - Elizabeth Drew
So Much Good Economic News, So Little Cheer - Kevin Hassett
Do Dems Want a Divider? - Stuart Rothenberg
City Journal
A Blueprint for Homeland Security - Rudy Giuliani
nY Review of Books
The GOP & the Conservative Base - Michael Tomasky
The Politico
Hillary Now Dependent on Husband for Win - Elizabeth Drew
So Much Good Economic News, So Little Cheer - Kevin Hassett
Labels: M
Sunday, December 30, 2007
NY Post
Tireless Clinton Tries To Answer Nagging Questions - Linda Stasi
Boston Herald
Mitt Has a Dream - John Breneman
Where's Outrage Over Bhutto's Assassination? - Bernard-Henri Levy
A Clarification on Waterboarding - Mark Bowden
With Vote Just Days Away, Hopefuls Go Negative - Susan Davis
Tireless Clinton Tries To Answer Nagging Questions - Linda Stasi
Boston Herald
Mitt Has a Dream - John Breneman
Where's Outrage Over Bhutto's Assassination? - Bernard-Henri Levy
A Clarification on Waterboarding - Mark Bowden
With Vote Just Days Away, Hopefuls Go Negative - Susan Davis
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
General Petraeus
Year-End Letter To The Troops - General David Petraeus
Which Democrat Is Most Electable? - Walter Shapiro, Salon
American Thinker
The Context of Huck's Devilish Question - Lee Cary, American Thinker
The Politico
Dodd Unloads on Clinton, Obama - Roger Simon, The Politico
Times of London
Defying Fate Was Pointless - Amir Taheri, Times of London
Year-End Letter To The Troops - General David Petraeus
Which Democrat Is Most Electable? - Walter Shapiro, Salon
American Thinker
The Context of Huck's Devilish Question - Lee Cary, American Thinker
The Politico
Dodd Unloads on Clinton, Obama - Roger Simon, The Politico
Times of London
Defying Fate Was Pointless - Amir Taheri, Times of London
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Washington Post
She Was Modern, Liberal and Unafraid - David Ignatius
NY Post
Bhutto Was Not What She Seemed To Be - Ralph Peters
Weekly Standard
How Republicans Prevailed on the Hill - Whitney Blake
Political Report
GOP Race Twists & Turns - Stuart Rothenberg
Washington Post
The Void Left Behind - Ahmed Rashid
She Was Modern, Liberal and Unafraid - David Ignatius
NY Post
Bhutto Was Not What She Seemed To Be - Ralph Peters
Weekly Standard
How Republicans Prevailed on the Hill - Whitney Blake
Political Report
GOP Race Twists & Turns - Stuart Rothenberg
Washington Post
The Void Left Behind - Ahmed Rashid
Labels: M
Thursday, December 27, 2007
NY Post
The Surge is the Top Story of 2007 - Michelle Malkin
Washington Post
Democratic Congress Achieved Little - David Broder
Daily Telegraph
Torn Between Cynics & Straightshooters - Toby Harnden
Boston Globe
A Tough Juggling Act for Clinton - Joan Vennochi
Boston Phoenix
Who is the Most Electable? - Steven Stark
The Surge is the Top Story of 2007 - Michelle Malkin
Washington Post
Democratic Congress Achieved Little - David Broder
Daily Telegraph
Torn Between Cynics & Straightshooters - Toby Harnden
Boston Globe
A Tough Juggling Act for Clinton - Joan Vennochi
Boston Phoenix
Who is the Most Electable? - Steven Stark
Labels: M
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The Politico
For GOP, Five Still Alive with Days to Go - Peter Brown
The End of Free Trade - Robert Samuelson
The Politico
Ron Paul: The Audacity of Nope - Jeremy Lott & James Antle
Providence Journal
Only Suckers Pay Bills - Froma Harrop
USA Today
Ready, Set, Go: Events That Will Shape the Race - Susan Page
For GOP, Five Still Alive with Days to Go - Peter Brown
The End of Free Trade - Robert Samuelson
The Politico
Ron Paul: The Audacity of Nope - Jeremy Lott & James Antle
Providence Journal
Only Suckers Pay Bills - Froma Harrop
USA Today
Ready, Set, Go: Events That Will Shape the Race - Susan Page
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Financial Times
Democrats' Big Ideas Yielded Small Results - Clive Crook
With One Year to Go, Bush's Legacy a Mixed Bag - Ed Henry
NY Daily News
It's About Hillary, Stupid - Michael Goodwin
Who Owns the Vietnam War? - Arthur Herman
Boston Globe
Christ and the Grand Inquisitor - James Carroll
Democrats' Big Ideas Yielded Small Results - Clive Crook
With One Year to Go, Bush's Legacy a Mixed Bag - Ed Henry
NY Daily News
It's About Hillary, Stupid - Michael Goodwin
Who Owns the Vietnam War? - Arthur Herman
Boston Globe
Christ and the Grand Inquisitor - James Carroll
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Washington Post
Huck's Campaign Makes This Evangelical Queasy - Pete Wehner, Wash Post
NY Times
State of the Unions - Paul Krugman, New York Times
CS Montior
America's Fear of Global Treaties Must Stop - Karl Indefurth, CS Montior
Our Misery is Gore Crowd's Happiness - Phil Valentine, Tennessean
Chi Trib
In Season of Love, Dems Keep Shoving - Zuckman & McCormick, Chi Trib
Huck's Campaign Makes This Evangelical Queasy - Pete Wehner, Wash Post
NY Times
State of the Unions - Paul Krugman, New York Times
CS Montior
America's Fear of Global Treaties Must Stop - Karl Indefurth, CS Montior
Our Misery is Gore Crowd's Happiness - Phil Valentine, Tennessean
Chi Trib
In Season of Love, Dems Keep Shoving - Zuckman & McCormick, Chi Trib
Labels: M
Sunday, December 23, 2007
ABC News
Murky Third Parties Do Political Hatchet Jobs - Jake Tapper
NY Times
Is Bill Savior or Saboteur? - Maureen Dowd
Clinton Staff Ordered to Lower Iowa Expectations - Roger Simon
Washington Post
N.H. Democrats Ponder Tone, Style - Alec MacGillis
Can Huckabee Survive Limbaugh - Jim Geraghty
Murky Third Parties Do Political Hatchet Jobs - Jake Tapper
NY Times
Is Bill Savior or Saboteur? - Maureen Dowd
Clinton Staff Ordered to Lower Iowa Expectations - Roger Simon
Washington Post
N.H. Democrats Ponder Tone, Style - Alec MacGillis
Can Huckabee Survive Limbaugh - Jim Geraghty
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Saturday, December 22, 2007
Weekly Standard
Gen. Petraeus, Man of the Year - William Kristol
National Review
Go For the (Real) Green - Rich Lowry
The Guardian
The GOP's Health-Care Skin Game - Ezra Klein
Chicago Sun-Times
Blaming Bill For Hillary's Trouble - Robert Novak
The Clinton Albatross - Victor Davis Hanson
Gen. Petraeus, Man of the Year - William Kristol
National Review
Go For the (Real) Green - Rich Lowry
The Guardian
The GOP's Health-Care Skin Game - Ezra Klein
Chicago Sun-Times
Blaming Bill For Hillary's Trouble - Robert Novak
The Clinton Albatross - Victor Davis Hanson
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Friday, December 21, 2007
Washington Post
Bush's 'Axis of Evil' Scorecard - Charles Krauthammer
Why the Democrats Aren't Ending the War - Fred Kaplan
A Cooked Up Torture Controversy? - Mona Charen
S P Intelligencer
Bush is Happy to Govern by Veto - Helen Thomas
S D Union-Tribune
How Huckabee Scares the GOP - E. J. Dionne
Bush's 'Axis of Evil' Scorecard - Charles Krauthammer
Why the Democrats Aren't Ending the War - Fred Kaplan
A Cooked Up Torture Controversy? - Mona Charen
S P Intelligencer
Bush is Happy to Govern by Veto - Helen Thomas
S D Union-Tribune
How Huckabee Scares the GOP - E. J. Dionne
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Claremont Review
Real-Deal Conservatism Missing - Charles Kesler
Roll Call
Resolve To End Hyper-Partisanship - Mort Kondracke
The Endless Campaign - Karl Rove
UVA Center for Politics
Congressional Combat - Larry Sabato
Washington Post
How to Fix Intelligence Oversight - Tim Roemer
Real-Deal Conservatism Missing - Charles Kesler
Roll Call
Resolve To End Hyper-Partisanship - Mort Kondracke
The Endless Campaign - Karl Rove
UVA Center for Politics
Congressional Combat - Larry Sabato
Washington Post
How to Fix Intelligence Oversight - Tim Roemer
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
NY Observer
Pelosi's Bench Rolls Over on Iraq - Chris Lehmann
LA Times
Triangulation Comes Full Circle - Jonah Goldberg
Indianapolis Star
Public United, Politicians Divided - Marie Cocco
The King and the First Lady - Kathleen Parker
A Sequel to the Subprime Mess? - Robert Samuelson
Pelosi's Bench Rolls Over on Iraq - Chris Lehmann
LA Times
Triangulation Comes Full Circle - Jonah Goldberg
Indianapolis Star
Public United, Politicians Divided - Marie Cocco
The King and the First Lady - Kathleen Parker
A Sequel to the Subprime Mess? - Robert Samuelson
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Washington Post
Clinton's Difficulties Deeper Than Strategy - E. J. Dionne
Does Gore Know What He's Talking About? - Ed Koch
It's Not a Time to Backslide in Iraq - Rep. Marsha Blackburn
Academic Intimidation - Thomas Sowell
Financial Times
Five Events That Have Defined 2007 - Gideon Rachman
Clinton's Difficulties Deeper Than Strategy - E. J. Dionne
Does Gore Know What He's Talking About? - Ed Koch
It's Not a Time to Backslide in Iraq - Rep. Marsha Blackburn
Academic Intimidation - Thomas Sowell
Financial Times
Five Events That Have Defined 2007 - Gideon Rachman
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Monday, December 17, 2007
Philadelphia Inquirer
How Petraeus Turned Around Iraq - Trudy Rubin
Times of london
Iraq - the Best Story of the Year - Tim Hames
Financial Times
Obama's Pragmatism Angers the Left - Clive Crook
weekly Standard
Social Conservatism is Not Going Away - Jeffrey Bell
Republican Voters Focus on Immigration - Howard Fineman
How Petraeus Turned Around Iraq - Trudy Rubin
Times of london
Iraq - the Best Story of the Year - Tim Hames
Financial Times
Obama's Pragmatism Angers the Left - Clive Crook
weekly Standard
Social Conservatism is Not Going Away - Jeffrey Bell
Republican Voters Focus on Immigration - Howard Fineman
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Charlie Rose Show
Are Voters 'Prepared to Roll the Dice'? - Bill Clinton
Tested. Ready. Now. America Needs a Leader - Rudy Giuliani
Foreign Affairs
America's Priorities in the War on Terror - Mike Huckabee
Houston Chronicle
Government Entitlement For Risk Takers - George Will
O C Register
Children? Not If You Love the Planet - Mark Steyn
Are Voters 'Prepared to Roll the Dice'? - Bill Clinton
Tested. Ready. Now. America Needs a Leader - Rudy Giuliani
Foreign Affairs
America's Priorities in the War on Terror - Mike Huckabee
Houston Chronicle
Government Entitlement For Risk Takers - George Will
O C Register
Children? Not If You Love the Planet - Mark Steyn
Labels: M
Saturday, December 15, 2007
NY Post
In Dem Primaries, Experience Loses - D. Morris & E. McGann
Huckabee Could Hand the GOP to Giuliani - Ramesh Ponnuru
Zogby International
When Inevitability Isn't So... Inevitable - John Zogby
Der Spiegel
Lasting Peace? An Iraq Town Shrugs Off Terror - Ulrike Putz
Conventional Wisdom Wrong Again on Iraq - Victor Davis Hanson
In Dem Primaries, Experience Loses - D. Morris & E. McGann
Huckabee Could Hand the GOP to Giuliani - Ramesh Ponnuru
Zogby International
When Inevitability Isn't So... Inevitable - John Zogby
Der Spiegel
Lasting Peace? An Iraq Town Shrugs Off Terror - Ulrike Putz
Conventional Wisdom Wrong Again on Iraq - Victor Davis Hanson
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Washington Post
Plan B For Pelosi And Reid - E. J. Dionne
Washington Post
An Overdose of Public Piety - Charles Krauthammer
Miami Herald
Nothing But Hot Air In Mitchell Report - Dan Le Batard
The Last Iowa Debate (Thank God!) - Walter Shapiro
Could Clinton Lose Because of Women? - Reid Wilson
Plan B For Pelosi And Reid - E. J. Dionne
Washington Post
An Overdose of Public Piety - Charles Krauthammer
Miami Herald
Nothing But Hot Air In Mitchell Report - Dan Le Batard
The Last Iowa Debate (Thank God!) - Walter Shapiro
Could Clinton Lose Because of Women? - Reid Wilson
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
Awful Debate Was A Waste of Time - Jay Cost
Chicago Sun-Times
Hillary's Slush-Fund Attack - Robert Novak
Washington Post
Misreading the Iran Report - Henry Kissinger
The Hill
When Waterboarding Works - Byron York
The Politics
How Immigration is Reshaping Politics - VandeHei & Harris
Awful Debate Was A Waste of Time - Jay Cost
Chicago Sun-Times
Hillary's Slush-Fund Attack - Robert Novak
Washington Post
Misreading the Iran Report - Henry Kissinger
The Hill
When Waterboarding Works - Byron York
The Politics
How Immigration is Reshaping Politics - VandeHei & Harris
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
NY Daily News
Bill Concerned Hillary Could Lose - K. Bazinet & T. DeFrank
OH-5 & VA-1 Results Good News for GOP - Stu Rothenberg
NY Times
Senate GOP Frustrating Dem Majority - Dave Herszenhorn
Pelosi Vows More Civil Approach--Next Year - VandeHei & Harris
The New Republic
The Dunderheaded NIE Public Roll-Out - Dennis Ross
Bill Concerned Hillary Could Lose - K. Bazinet & T. DeFrank
OH-5 & VA-1 Results Good News for GOP - Stu Rothenberg
NY Times
Senate GOP Frustrating Dem Majority - Dave Herszenhorn
Pelosi Vows More Civil Approach--Next Year - VandeHei & Harris
The New Republic
The Dunderheaded NIE Public Roll-Out - Dennis Ross
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
National Journal
Honesty: Hillary's Glass House - Stuart Taylor
The New Yorker
Behind the GOP's Anti-Immigration Frenzy - Ryan Lizza
Huffington Post
Dems Are Addicted to Backing Down - Arianna Huffington
The Nation
A Precious and Painful Vision of the Future - Al Gore
Houston Chronicle
Paralyze The FEC? Splendid. - George Will
Honesty: Hillary's Glass House - Stuart Taylor
The New Yorker
Behind the GOP's Anti-Immigration Frenzy - Ryan Lizza
Huffington Post
Dems Are Addicted to Backing Down - Arianna Huffington
The Nation
A Precious and Painful Vision of the Future - Al Gore
Houston Chronicle
Paralyze The FEC? Splendid. - George Will
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Tension in Hillaryland Grows as Plan Goes Awry - Al Hunt
NY Post
Helping Heroes - Ralph Peters
Miami Herald
Window of Opportunity in Venezuela - Marifeli PĂ©rez-Stable
The Guardian
The Iran Threat Has Not Diminished - Jonathan Schell
Weekly Standard
Due Process for Jihadists? - Andrew McCarthy
Tension in Hillaryland Grows as Plan Goes Awry - Al Hunt
NY Post
Helping Heroes - Ralph Peters
Miami Herald
Window of Opportunity in Venezuela - Marifeli PĂ©rez-Stable
The Guardian
The Iran Threat Has Not Diminished - Jonathan Schell
Weekly Standard
Due Process for Jihadists? - Andrew McCarthy
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Sunday, December 9, 2007
Washington Post
Hillary Needs to Address the Bill Issue - David Ignatius
Houston Chronicle
The Spies Strike Back - Jim Hoagland
Weekly Standard
Democrats Fall in Love with Taxes Again - Stephen Moore
Weekly Standard
Mitt's Mormon Dilemma - Terry Eastland
Jerusalem Post
The Abandonment of the Jews - Caroline Glick
Hillary Needs to Address the Bill Issue - David Ignatius
Houston Chronicle
The Spies Strike Back - Jim Hoagland
Weekly Standard
Democrats Fall in Love with Taxes Again - Stephen Moore
Weekly Standard
Mitt's Mormon Dilemma - Terry Eastland
Jerusalem Post
The Abandonment of the Jews - Caroline Glick
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Saturday, December 8, 2007
Washington Post
Clinton Turns to Women to Steady Campaign - Murray & Kornblut
Keep Up the Pressure on Iran - Charles Krauthammer
City Journal
A New York-Centric Presidential Election - Fred Siegel
Financial Times
Prayer and the Presidency - Christopher Caldwell
Bush Boom Continues - Larry Kudlow
Clinton Turns to Women to Steady Campaign - Murray & Kornblut
Keep Up the Pressure on Iran - Charles Krauthammer
City Journal
A New York-Centric Presidential Election - Fred Siegel
Financial Times
Prayer and the Presidency - Christopher Caldwell
Bush Boom Continues - Larry Kudlow
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Friday, December 7, 2007
Evaluating Romney's Speech - Jay Cost
Speech Elevated Political Debate - Kathleen Parker
Boston Globe
Why Believe the Intelligence This Time? - Jim Walsh
Boston Globe
Dems Need a Fighter, Not a Philosopher - Ellen Goodman
Washington Post
Playing the Religion Card - Charles Krauthammer
Evaluating Romney's Speech - Jay Cost
Speech Elevated Political Debate - Kathleen Parker
Boston Globe
Why Believe the Intelligence This Time? - Jim Walsh
Boston Globe
Dems Need a Fighter, Not a Philosopher - Ellen Goodman
Washington Post
Playing the Religion Card - Charles Krauthammer
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Thursday, December 6, 2007
Roll Call
War Is Out, but Iran Is Dangerous - Mort Kondracke
Hillary Was Supposed to Know How to Rumble - John Dickerson
USA Today
The Problem w/ 'Eve of Destruction' Politics - Michael Medved
What If the Conventions Are Contested? - T. Madonna and M. Young
Boston Phoenix
Get Ready for the GOP Playoffs - Steven Stark
War Is Out, but Iran Is Dangerous - Mort Kondracke
Hillary Was Supposed to Know How to Rumble - John Dickerson
USA Today
The Problem w/ 'Eve of Destruction' Politics - Michael Medved
What If the Conventions Are Contested? - T. Madonna and M. Young
Boston Phoenix
Get Ready for the GOP Playoffs - Steven Stark
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
HorseRace Blog
Is Clinton's Negativity a Bad Idea? - Jay Cost
Boston Globe
Democratic Voters Flirt With Change - Scot Lehigh
Clinton Back on Defense Over Iran - Richard Wolffe
Worst Mistakes of Election '08 - Tom Bevan
Rx For Health Care: Pain - Robert Samuelson
Is Clinton's Negativity a Bad Idea? - Jay Cost
Boston Globe
Democratic Voters Flirt With Change - Scot Lehigh
Clinton Back on Defense Over Iran - Richard Wolffe
Worst Mistakes of Election '08 - Tom Bevan
Rx For Health Care: Pain - Robert Samuelson
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Will Clinton's Obama Attacks Backfire? - Jay Newton-Small, Time
Des Moines Register
1984 Redux - With a Twist - David Yepsen, Des Moines Register
Dark Suspicions About the NIE - Norman Podhoretz, Commentary
Murtha Eats Crow On Iraq - Jack Kelly, RealClearPolitics
NH Union Leader
Congress' Inexcusable Failure - Sens. McCain & Lieberman
Will Clinton's Obama Attacks Backfire? - Jay Newton-Small, Time
Des Moines Register
1984 Redux - With a Twist - David Yepsen, Des Moines Register
Dark Suspicions About the NIE - Norman Podhoretz, Commentary
Murtha Eats Crow On Iraq - Jack Kelly, RealClearPolitics
NH Union Leader
Congress' Inexcusable Failure - Sens. McCain & Lieberman
Labels: M
Monday, December 3, 2007
American Thinker
The Frontrunners and the Wingmen - Richard Baehr
Washington Post
Iraq Becomes Non-Story in '08 Campaign - Peter Beinart
Captain's Quarters
TNR's Iraq And a Hard Place - Ed Morrissey
Y Magazine
Is Looming Recession a Gift for Dems? - Kurt Andersen
Facing Down a Bullying Mob - David Warren
The Frontrunners and the Wingmen - Richard Baehr
Washington Post
Iraq Becomes Non-Story in '08 Campaign - Peter Beinart
Captain's Quarters
TNR's Iraq And a Hard Place - Ed Morrissey
Y Magazine
Is Looming Recession a Gift for Dems? - Kurt Andersen
Facing Down a Bullying Mob - David Warren
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
Las Vegas R-J
Co-president Seeking Her Third Term - John Brummett
Washington Times
Campaign Wasteland - Paul Greenberg
LA Times
Liberalism Out of Touch With Working Class - Kotkin & Siegel
Chicago Tribune
Democrats Make a Bad Trade - Steve Chapman
Sunday Times
A Failure to Confront Radical Islam - Shiraz Maher
Co-president Seeking Her Third Term - John Brummett
Washington Times
Campaign Wasteland - Paul Greenberg
LA Times
Liberalism Out of Touch With Working Class - Kotkin & Siegel
Chicago Tribune
Democrats Make a Bad Trade - Steve Chapman
Sunday Times
A Failure to Confront Radical Islam - Shiraz Maher
Labels: M
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The Politico
Hillary Seizes Opportunity After Crisis - David Paul Kuhn
Secure Our Broken Borders. Restore Rule of Law - Rudy Giuliani
LA Times
Flat-Tax and Spend GOP - Michael Kinsley
NY Observer
Bill Clinton, Secret War Opponent - Steve Kornacki
National Journal
The GOP Shooting Match - Ronald Brownstein
Hillary Seizes Opportunity After Crisis - David Paul Kuhn
Secure Our Broken Borders. Restore Rule of Law - Rudy Giuliani
LA Times
Flat-Tax and Spend GOP - Michael Kinsley
NY Observer
Bill Clinton, Secret War Opponent - Steve Kornacki
National Journal
The GOP Shooting Match - Ronald Brownstein
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