Friday, November 30, 2007
Washington Post
CNN Admits Holes in Screening Questions - Howard Kurtz, Washington Post
NY Post
In Debate Screwup, CNN Misses Political Plants - Michelle Malkin, NY Post
Washington Post
Stem Cell Vindication For Bush - Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
Houston Chronicle
Stench of Nativist Compost at GOP Debate - E.J. Dionne, Houston Chronicle
The Guardian
Global Warming: Now the Rich Must Pay - Nicholas Stern, The Guardian
CNN Admits Holes in Screening Questions - Howard Kurtz, Washington Post
NY Post
In Debate Screwup, CNN Misses Political Plants - Michelle Malkin, NY Post
Washington Post
Stem Cell Vindication For Bush - Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
Houston Chronicle
Stench of Nativist Compost at GOP Debate - E.J. Dionne, Houston Chronicle
The Guardian
Global Warming: Now the Rich Must Pay - Nicholas Stern, The Guardian
Labels: M
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Weekly Standard
Two Hours of Humiliation - Fred Barnes
Washington Post
Mr. Nasty and Mr. Nice - David Broder
Boston Globe
The Moment of Truth for Clinton - Joan Vennochi
NY Times
GOP Rivals Exchange Jabs in Testy Debate - M. Cooper & M. Santora
Reclaim Greatness: Lower Taxes, Enforce Laws - Fred Thompson
Two Hours of Humiliation - Fred Barnes
Washington Post
Mr. Nasty and Mr. Nice - David Broder
Boston Globe
The Moment of Truth for Clinton - Joan Vennochi
NY Times
GOP Rivals Exchange Jabs in Testy Debate - M. Cooper & M. Santora
Reclaim Greatness: Lower Taxes, Enforce Laws - Fred Thompson
Labels: M
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Republicans Need to Reunite Their Base - Howard Fineman
Washington Post
Obama's Amnesia Problem - Peter Beinart
Financial Times
As Center Shifts Left, Populism Revives - Michael Lind
Pelosi's English-Only Showdown - John Fund
Boston Globe
Fate of the Know-Nothings - Jeff Jacoby
Republicans Need to Reunite Their Base - Howard Fineman
Washington Post
Obama's Amnesia Problem - Peter Beinart
Financial Times
As Center Shifts Left, Populism Revives - Michael Lind
Pelosi's English-Only Showdown - John Fund
Boston Globe
Fate of the Know-Nothings - Jeff Jacoby
Labels: M
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Romney's Crime Record is a Mess - Deroy Murdock
Washington Post
Australia's Lesson For Democrats - E. J. Dionne
Tax Cuts Gain Relevance as Outlook Dims - Gerald Seib
The Failures of Lt. Gen. Sanchez - Jack Kelly
Washington Post
Gen. Sanchez, Pelosi an Odd Pair - Jonathan Weisman
Romney's Crime Record is a Mess - Deroy Murdock
Washington Post
Australia's Lesson For Democrats - E. J. Dionne
Tax Cuts Gain Relevance as Outlook Dims - Gerald Seib
The Failures of Lt. Gen. Sanchez - Jack Kelly
Washington Post
Gen. Sanchez, Pelosi an Odd Pair - Jonathan Weisman
Labels: M
Monday, November 26, 2007
NY Post
Beyond the Drop in Iraq Violence - Amir Taheri
Financial Times
Iraq Sets a New Trap for Democrats - Clive Crook
HorseRace Blog
Negativity in the Democratic Campaign - Jay Cost
A Wide Range of Possibilities in '08 Race - Michael Barone
NY Magazine
Who's Winning the Electability Game? - Jason Zengerle
Beyond the Drop in Iraq Violence - Amir Taheri
Financial Times
Iraq Sets a New Trap for Democrats - Clive Crook
HorseRace Blog
Negativity in the Democratic Campaign - Jay Cost
A Wide Range of Possibilities in '08 Race - Michael Barone
NY Magazine
Who's Winning the Electability Game? - Jason Zengerle
Labels: M
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Weekly Standard
The Surge Against the Surge Failed - Noemie Emery
NY Times
As Democrats See Progress, Tone on Iraq Shifts - Patrick Healy
NY Daily News
Hillary Has Only Herself to Blame - Michael Goodwin
Sunday Times
Australia's Mystery Landslide - Simon Benson
Boston Globe
Let's Hear It For Good News From Iraq - Jeff Jacoby
LA Times
Unheralded Military Successes - Robert Kaplan
The Surge Against the Surge Failed - Noemie Emery
NY Times
As Democrats See Progress, Tone on Iraq Shifts - Patrick Healy
NY Daily News
Hillary Has Only Herself to Blame - Michael Goodwin
Sunday Times
Australia's Mystery Landslide - Simon Benson
Boston Globe
Let's Hear It For Good News From Iraq - Jeff Jacoby
LA Times
Unheralded Military Successes - Robert Kaplan
Labels: M
Saturday, November 24, 2007
OC Register
It is the GOP Candidates Who Have the Ideas - Mark Steyn
Smithsonian Magazine
Biofuels Could Run Out of Gas - Richard Conniff
LA Times
Venezuela's Path to Self-Destruction - William Ratliff
Weekly Standard
The End of the Stem-Cell Wars - Ryan Anderson
The Culture of Conspiracy - James Piereson
It is the GOP Candidates Who Have the Ideas - Mark Steyn
Smithsonian Magazine
Biofuels Could Run Out of Gas - Richard Conniff
LA Times
Venezuela's Path to Self-Destruction - William Ratliff
Weekly Standard
The End of the Stem-Cell Wars - Ryan Anderson
The Culture of Conspiracy - James Piereson
Labels: M
Friday, November 23, 2007
Some Thanksgiving For Everyone - Reid Wilson
NY Post
Iraq: What Went Right - Ralph Peters
Washington Post
Good Iraq News Isn't All Good - David Ignatius
Bush's Warning: Patience - Kathleen Parker
Who Will Pick Up Pieces if US Enters Recession? - Martin Wolf
Some Thanksgiving For Everyone - Reid Wilson
NY Post
Iraq: What Went Right - Ralph Peters
Washington Post
Good Iraq News Isn't All Good - David Ignatius
Bush's Warning: Patience - Kathleen Parker
Who Will Pick Up Pieces if US Enters Recession? - Martin Wolf
Labels: M
Clinton Hits Rough Patch As Iowa Showdown Nears - Jackie Calmes
Mrs. Clinton's Real Weakness - Kimberley Strassel
Washington Post
On Iraq, a State of Denial - Charles Krauthammer
Inside the Income Statistics - Thomas Sowell
Times Of London
The Dollar's in Decline. Great News! - Gerard Baker
Clinton Hits Rough Patch As Iowa Showdown Nears - Jackie Calmes
Mrs. Clinton's Real Weakness - Kimberley Strassel
Washington Post
On Iraq, a State of Denial - Charles Krauthammer
Inside the Income Statistics - Thomas Sowell
Times Of London
The Dollar's in Decline. Great News! - Gerard Baker
Labels: M
Thursday, November 22, 2007
How GOP Can Show That It Cares - Rick Santorum
The Politico
Giuliani and 'Strict Constructionists' - Tony Perkins
With Iraq Improving, Will Neocons Return? - Victor Davis Hanson
Washington Post
McCain-Feingold's Wealth of Hypocrisy - George Will
Three More Years of Goldilocks? - Larry Kudlow
How GOP Can Show That It Cares - Rick Santorum
The Politico
Giuliani and 'Strict Constructionists' - Tony Perkins
With Iraq Improving, Will Neocons Return? - Victor Davis Hanson
Washington Post
McCain-Feingold's Wealth of Hypocrisy - George Will
Three More Years of Goldilocks? - Larry Kudlow
Labels: M
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Washington Post
Which Dem is the Real Change Candidate? - E. J. Dionne
DM Register
Restore Leadership, Rebuild Middle Class - Hillary Clinton
Rocky Mountain News
Hopefuls at Odds with Their Bases - Paul Campos
Income Confusion - Thomas Sowell
Give Thanks for Good News from Iraq - Christopher Hitchens
Which Dem is the Real Change Candidate? - E. J. Dionne
DM Register
Restore Leadership, Rebuild Middle Class - Hillary Clinton
Rocky Mountain News
Hopefuls at Odds with Their Bases - Paul Campos
Income Confusion - Thomas Sowell
Give Thanks for Good News from Iraq - Christopher Hitchens
Labels: M
Monday, November 19, 2007
Life Has Gotten Better in Baghdad - Rod Nordland
NY Times
Violence in Iraq Continues to Drop - Buckley & Gordon
Dems Increasingly "Jumpy" on Illegals - June Kronholz
Opinion Journal
Nancy Pelosi: Mi Casa, Sue Casa - John Fund
The Tennessean
The World is Drinking Al Gore's Kool-Aid - Phil Valentine
Life Has Gotten Better in Baghdad - Rod Nordland
NY Times
Violence in Iraq Continues to Drop - Buckley & Gordon
Dems Increasingly "Jumpy" on Illegals - June Kronholz
Opinion Journal
Nancy Pelosi: Mi Casa, Sue Casa - John Fund
The Tennessean
The World is Drinking Al Gore's Kool-Aid - Phil Valentine
Labels: M
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Indianapolis Star
Democrats' Devotion to Trial Lawyers - George Will
NY Daily News
Democrats See No Evil - Michael Goodwin
Washington Post
Debates in Need of Rescue - David Broder
Washington Post
When Handouts Keep Coming, Food Line Never Ends - Mark Winne
NY Times
Both Parties Walk Tightrope on Immigration - Michael Luo
Democrats' Devotion to Trial Lawyers - George Will
NY Daily News
Democrats See No Evil - Michael Goodwin
Washington Post
Debates in Need of Rescue - David Broder
Washington Post
When Handouts Keep Coming, Food Line Never Ends - Mark Winne
NY Times
Both Parties Walk Tightrope on Immigration - Michael Luo
Labels: M
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Chicago Sun-Times
Does Clinton Have Dirt on Obama? - Robert Novak
Washington Post
Clinton Quiets Talk of a Slide - Dan Balz
Fox News
CNN Caves, But Clinton Will Still Struggle in Iowa - Dick Morris
Boston Globe
Democrats in Congress Pile on the Pork - Derrick Jackson
OC Register
World Should Give Thanks For America - Mark Steyn
Does Clinton Have Dirt on Obama? - Robert Novak
Washington Post
Clinton Quiets Talk of a Slide - Dan Balz
Fox News
CNN Caves, But Clinton Will Still Struggle in Iowa - Dick Morris
Boston Globe
Democrats in Congress Pile on the Pork - Derrick Jackson
OC Register
World Should Give Thanks For America - Mark Steyn
Labels: M
Friday, November 16, 2007
National Review
Obama Joins Right-Wing Attack Machine - Rich Lowry
NBC News
Contest Separates to Clinton vs. Obama - Chuck Todd
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The End of the Reagan Era - David Shribman
Indianapolis Star
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Iraq - E. J. Dionne
Chicago Sun-Times
Energy Policy a Security Issue - Steve Huntley
Obama Joins Right-Wing Attack Machine - Rich Lowry
NBC News
Contest Separates to Clinton vs. Obama - Chuck Todd
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The End of the Reagan Era - David Shribman
Indianapolis Star
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Iraq - E. J. Dionne
Chicago Sun-Times
Energy Policy a Security Issue - Steve Huntley
Labels: M
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Washington Post
Front-Runners Who Can Still Be Tackled - George Will
Washington Post
The Icebergs Ahead For the Democrats - David Broder
LA Times
House Democrats Renew Antiwar Push - Noam Levey
Daily Telegraph
Actions Speak Loudest to Terrorists - Michael Burleigh
NY Post
Spitzer Doomed by His Contempt - Adam Brodsky
Front-Runners Who Can Still Be Tackled - George Will
Washington Post
The Icebergs Ahead For the Democrats - David Broder
LA Times
House Democrats Renew Antiwar Push - Noam Levey
Daily Telegraph
Actions Speak Loudest to Terrorists - Michael Burleigh
NY Post
Spitzer Doomed by His Contempt - Adam Brodsky
Labels: M
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Washington Post
A Crucial 50 Days for the Dem Candidates - Chris Cillizza
Queen Hillary's Disruptive Court - Camille Paglia
The Insanity of Bush Hatred - Peter Berkowitz
The Politico
GOP Finds Solid Ground on Iraq War - J. Bresnahan & M. Kady
Washington Times
Veterans Day 2007: Victory in Iraq? - Tony Blankley
A Crucial 50 Days for the Dem Candidates - Chris Cillizza
Queen Hillary's Disruptive Court - Camille Paglia
The Insanity of Bush Hatred - Peter Berkowitz
The Politico
GOP Finds Solid Ground on Iraq War - J. Bresnahan & M. Kady
Washington Times
Veterans Day 2007: Victory in Iraq? - Tony Blankley
Labels: M
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Clinton's Strategy For Crushing the Media - Michael Crowley
Washington Post
The Can't-Win Democratic Congress - E. J. Dionne
The Politico
Democrats Zero for 40 on Iraq - Jim VandeHei & John Harris
NY Post
As Iraq Improves, Coverage Dries Up - Ralph Peters
Roll Call
For Read on '08 Races, Look at Class of '06 - Stuart Rothenberg
Clinton's Strategy For Crushing the Media - Michael Crowley
Washington Post
The Can't-Win Democratic Congress - E. J. Dionne
The Politico
Democrats Zero for 40 on Iraq - Jim VandeHei & John Harris
NY Post
As Iraq Improves, Coverage Dries Up - Ralph Peters
Roll Call
For Read on '08 Races, Look at Class of '06 - Stuart Rothenberg
Labels: M
Monday, November 12, 2007
Obama's Inconsistent Message - Walter Shapiro
The Best Case Against Universal Health Care - Jonathan Cohn
NY Sun
Talk of Worst Recession Since the 1930s - Dan Dorfman
National Review
Slandering the American Soldier - Mackubin Owens
Peru and Other Menaces - George Will
Obama's Inconsistent Message - Walter Shapiro
The Best Case Against Universal Health Care - Jonathan Cohn
NY Sun
Talk of Worst Recession Since the 1930s - Dan Dorfman
National Review
Slandering the American Soldier - Mackubin Owens
Peru and Other Menaces - George Will
Labels: M
Sunday, November 11, 2007
For Democrats It's a 'Heart vs. Brain' Race - Reid Wilson
NY Daily News
Hillary Has a Guy Problem - Michael Goodwin
Weekly Standard
Don't Blame Democracy - Peter Wehner
Washington Post
'Curveball,' Swing and A Miss - George Will
Sunday Telegraph
Ignore Gore, But Not His Nobel Friends - Bjorn Lomborg
For Democrats It's a 'Heart vs. Brain' Race - Reid Wilson
NY Daily News
Hillary Has a Guy Problem - Michael Goodwin
Weekly Standard
Don't Blame Democracy - Peter Wehner
Washington Post
'Curveball,' Swing and A Miss - George Will
Sunday Telegraph
Ignore Gore, But Not His Nobel Friends - Bjorn Lomborg
Labels: M
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Hillary's Powerful Gender Appeal - John Dickerson
The American Prospect
Why Are Dems Getting Nervous? - Terence Samuel
Jerusalem Post
America's Strategies for Victory & Defeat - Caroline Glick
NY Post
NBC's Green Fraud - Jonah Goldberg
NY Times
Bush and Relatives of Fallen Lean on Each Other - Sheryl Stolberg
Hillary's Powerful Gender Appeal - John Dickerson
The American Prospect
Why Are Dems Getting Nervous? - Terence Samuel
Jerusalem Post
America's Strategies for Victory & Defeat - Caroline Glick
NY Post
NBC's Green Fraud - Jonah Goldberg
NY Times
Bush and Relatives of Fallen Lean on Each Other - Sheryl Stolberg
Labels: M
Friday, November 9, 2007
The Politico
GOP Faces a Changing South Carolina - Jonathan Martin
TIA Daily
Giuliani and the Right's Shifting Priorities - Robert Tracinski
Democratic Congress: A Failure to Lead - Karl Rove
Republicans Making Sense on Healthcare - Ramesh Ponnuru
Washington Post
Democrats Hone the Brand - E.J. Dionne
GOP Faces a Changing South Carolina - Jonathan Martin
TIA Daily
Giuliani and the Right's Shifting Priorities - Robert Tracinski
Democratic Congress: A Failure to Lead - Karl Rove
Republicans Making Sense on Healthcare - Ramesh Ponnuru
Washington Post
Democrats Hone the Brand - E.J. Dionne
Labels: R
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Boston Phoenix
All Pols Waffle -- Hillary is Just Bad At It - Steven Stark
What Hillary Clinton Stands For - Joe Klein
Washington Post
Dems Confident Despite Low Approval - Paul Kane
Washington Times
Republicans Can Run Against Rangel - Donald Lambro
The Politics
Climate a Generational Test for GOP - J. VandeHei & J. Harris
All Pols Waffle -- Hillary is Just Bad At It - Steven Stark
What Hillary Clinton Stands For - Joe Klein
Washington Post
Dems Confident Despite Low Approval - Paul Kane
Washington Times
Republicans Can Run Against Rangel - Donald Lambro
The Politics
Climate a Generational Test for GOP - J. VandeHei & J. Harris
Labels: Q
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Dems Must Take a Strong Anti-Terror Stance - Alan Dershowitz
NY Post
Globalization is Boosting U.S. Incomes - Daniel Griswold
Disincentivize Illegal Immigration - Kathleen Parker
The Politico
Republicans Can't Agree on New Image - Patrick O'Connor
National Review
Will GOP Surprise the Media in 2008? - Jim Geraghty
Dems Must Take a Strong Anti-Terror Stance - Alan Dershowitz
NY Post
Globalization is Boosting U.S. Incomes - Daniel Griswold
Disincentivize Illegal Immigration - Kathleen Parker
The Politico
Republicans Can't Agree on New Image - Patrick O'Connor
National Review
Will GOP Surprise the Media in 2008? - Jim Geraghty
Labels: P
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Our Great Recession Obsession - Robert Samuelson
DLY Telegraph
Musharraf Doesn't Need Any More Enemies - Con Coughlin
Hillary's Been Wounded, & the GOP Knows It - Jim Pinkerton
Washington Post
Waterboarding Question is a No-Brainer - Mora & Shattuck
Efforts to Reform Primary Process Are Doomed - Reid Wilson
Our Great Recession Obsession - Robert Samuelson
DLY Telegraph
Musharraf Doesn't Need Any More Enemies - Con Coughlin
Hillary's Been Wounded, & the GOP Knows It - Jim Pinkerton
Washington Post
Waterboarding Question is a No-Brainer - Mora & Shattuck
Efforts to Reform Primary Process Are Doomed - Reid Wilson
Labels: R
Monday, November 5, 2007
A Watershed Moment on Immigration - Michael Barone
NY Times
Are Dems Too Wobbled by Wealth? - Paul Krugman
USA Today
Could Hillary Win the Religious Vote? - Paul Kengor
Roll Call
GOP's Race Problem Doesn't Include Debates - Stuart Rothenberg
American Thinker
The 'Torture' Fraud of the Left - J. R. Dunn
A Watershed Moment on Immigration - Michael Barone
NY Times
Are Dems Too Wobbled by Wealth? - Paul Krugman
USA Today
Could Hillary Win the Religious Vote? - Paul Kengor
Roll Call
GOP's Race Problem Doesn't Include Debates - Stuart Rothenberg
American Thinker
The 'Torture' Fraud of the Left - J. R. Dunn
Labels: Q
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Subday Times
Clinton Puts War Room on Attack - Sarah Baxter
NY Times
Noun + Verb + 9/11 + Iran = Democrats' Defeat? - Frank Rich
Wshington Post
Congress' Unused War Powers - George Will
This Won't Be the Iraq Election - Fareed Zakaria
NY Daily News
Torturing Judge Mukasey - Michael Goodwin
Clinton Puts War Room on Attack - Sarah Baxter
NY Times
Noun + Verb + 9/11 + Iran = Democrats' Defeat? - Frank Rich
Wshington Post
Congress' Unused War Powers - George Will
This Won't Be the Iraq Election - Fareed Zakaria
NY Daily News
Torturing Judge Mukasey - Michael Goodwin
Labels: f
Saturday, November 3, 2007
NY Post
No Time to Give Up on Democracy - Liz Cheney
What Clinton's Gaffe Says About Her Campaign - Blake Dvorak
The Nation
Kucinich Faces Uphill Fight on Impeachment - John Nichols
OC Register
What About Sanctuary for Us, from Them? - Mark Steyn
Weekly Standard
Four Hurdles Republicans Must Clear - Fred Barnes
No Time to Give Up on Democracy - Liz Cheney
What Clinton's Gaffe Says About Her Campaign - Blake Dvorak
The Nation
Kucinich Faces Uphill Fight on Impeachment - John Nichols
OC Register
What About Sanctuary for Us, from Them? - Mark Steyn
Weekly Standard
Four Hurdles Republicans Must Clear - Fred Barnes
Labels: D
Friday, November 2, 2007
Boston Globe
Thou Shalt Not Criticize Hillary Clinton - Scot Lehigh
Times Of London
Dems Can't Beat Hillary, but GOP Can - Gerard Baker
Washington Post
Democrats Face Immigration Dilemma - E.J. Dionne
Washington Post
The Real Hill-Bill Problem - Charles Krauthammer
Spitzer's Plan: A License for Vote Fraud? - John Fund
Thou Shalt Not Criticize Hillary Clinton - Scot Lehigh
Times Of London
Dems Can't Beat Hillary, but GOP Can - Gerard Baker
Washington Post
Democrats Face Immigration Dilemma - E.J. Dionne
Washington Post
The Real Hill-Bill Problem - Charles Krauthammer
Spitzer's Plan: A License for Vote Fraud? - John Fund
Labels: B
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Politics
The Angry Voter: Bad News for Dems - J. Harris & J. VandeHei, The Politico
Houston Chronicle
Liberal or Progressive, Same Old Nonsense - George Will
Washington Post
Congress' 'Continuing Resolution' Epidemic - David Ignatius
Chicago Sun-Times
Nancy Pelosi's 'Committee of One' - Robert Novak
Boston Phoenix
The Year of Mood-Swing Votes - Steven Stark
The Angry Voter: Bad News for Dems - J. Harris & J. VandeHei, The Politico
Houston Chronicle
Liberal or Progressive, Same Old Nonsense - George Will
Washington Post
Congress' 'Continuing Resolution' Epidemic - David Ignatius
Chicago Sun-Times
Nancy Pelosi's 'Committee of One' - Robert Novak
Boston Phoenix
The Year of Mood-Swing Votes - Steven Stark
Labels: Media